Low Analysis: Evaluates if the stock is reaching new lows, and if so if there is volume to support the moves.
LowVolumeDateVolume BrokenDate Broken
2.255 64,600 Sept-25-2024 0 Not Broken
2.44 89,500 Sept-05-2024 57,500 Sept-24-2024
2.44 76,700 Sept-04-2024 89,500 Sept-05-2024
3.1 378,500 Aug-15-2024 214,400 Aug-28-2024
7 52,318 Aug-05-2024 288,125 Aug-13-2024
9.18 69,352 Jul-05-2024 44,797 Jul-23-2024
9.17 66,362 Jun-18-2024 44,797 Jul-23-2024
10.61 424,543 May-22-2024 41,116 Jun-14-2024
9.52 26,378 May-10-2024 66,362 Jun-18-2024