Low Analysis: Evaluates if the stock is reaching new lows, and if so if there is volume to support the moves.
LowVolumeDateVolume BrokenDate Broken
271.14 948,500 Nov-05-2024 0 Not Broken
259.38 1,342,200 Oct-07-2024 0 Not Broken
254.64 17,455,400 Sept-20-2024 0 Not Broken
282.66 937,700 Sept-11-2024 17,455,400 Sept-20-2024
277.41 1,256,100 Aug-09-2024 17,455,400 Sept-20-2024
298.28 1,541,100 Jul-24-2024 1,532,500 Aug-01-2024
292.73 1,466,500 Jul-10-2024 2,252,700 Aug-02-2024
292.73 1,252,300 Jul-09-2024 1,466,500 Jul-10-2024
245.54 1,252,100 Jun-17-2024 0 Not Broken