Low Analysis: Evaluates if the stock is reaching new lows, and if so if there is volume to support the moves.
LowVolumeDateVolume BrokenDate Broken
32.87 1,149,500 Sept-25-2024 0 Not Broken
31.95 1,266,300 Sept-11-2024 0 Not Broken
32.41 1,954,700 Aug-05-2024 800,644 Sept-09-2024
37.99 540,000 Jul-10-2024 3,644,800 Aug-01-2024
37.89 422,600 Jul-01-2024 3,644,800 Aug-01-2024
38.04 604,000 Jun-11-2024 422,600 Jul-01-2024
38.79 601,800 May-29-2024 555,400 Jun-10-2024
39.77 982,407 May-17-2024 564,700 May-28-2024
39.44 759,600 May-03-2024 601,800 May-29-2024