High Analysis: Evaluates if the stock is reaching new highs, and if so if there is volume to support the moves.
HighVolumeDateVolume BrokenDate Broken
2.85 743,481 Jul-16-2024 375,623 Aug-01-2024
2.85 768,312 Jul-15-2024 743,481 Jul-16-2024
2.49 388,936 Jun-27-2024 388,986 Jul-10-2024
2.61 474,721 May-31-2024 526,916 Jul-12-2024
1.95 573,927 Apr-29-2024 503,954 May-09-2024
2.1 1,029,425 Apr-08-2024 1,055,763 May-21-2024
2 212,206 Feb-06-2024 1,029,425 Apr-08-2024
2 140,426 Feb-01-2024 212,206 Feb-06-2024