Low Analysis: Evaluates if the stock is reaching new lows, and if so if there is volume to support the moves.
LowVolumeDateVolume BrokenDate Broken
0.42 131,100 May-31-2023 107,800 Jun-09-2023
0.72 199,000 May-03-2023 6,342,600 May-16-2023
0.72 103,300 May-02-2023 199,000 May-03-2023
1.06 2,800,400 Apr-03-2023 613,800 Apr-13-2023
1.93 205,000 Mar-22-2023 2,800,400 Apr-03-2023
1.93 252,500 Mar-21-2023 205,000 Mar-22-2023
1.01 1,434,100 Feb-23-2023 613,800 Apr-13-2023