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FOREX Quotes
USD (US Dollar) 0.9201 0.7765 1.3808 1.5224 0.8803 7.8054 153.124 1.6933 1.3418
EUR (Euro) 1.0842 0.8428 1.4977 1.6526 0.9557 8.4632 166.372 1.8373 1.4568
GBP (British Pound) 1.285 1.1835 1.7761 1.9591 1.132 10.035 196.939 2.1789 1.725
CAD (Canadian Dollar) 0.7221 0.6651 0.5613 1.1013 0.6373 5.6374 110.764 1.2254 0.9695
AUD (Australain Dollar) 0.6542 0.6029 0.5088 0.9042 0.5766 5.1069 100.515 1.1111 0.8787
CHF (Swiss Franc) 1.1308 1.0417 0.8789 1.5625 1.7236 8.8282 173.546 1.9171 1.5187
HKD (Hong Kong Dollar) 0.1281 0.1179 0.0995 0.1769 0.195 0.1128 19.615 0.2169 0.1718
JPY (Japenese Yen)
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