Low Analysis: Evaluates if the stock is reaching new lows, and if so if there is volume to support the moves.
LowVolumeDateVolume BrokenDate Broken
0.57 19,785,800 Jul-27-2023 0 Not Broken
0.93 3,360,800 Jul-19-2023 19,785,800 Jul-27-2023
0.6887 1,319,000 Jun-30-2023 19,785,800 Jul-27-2023
1.27 667,900 Jun-01-2023 621,600 Jun-26-2023
1.27 329,600 May-31-2023 667,900 Jun-01-2023
1.34 435,900 May-16-2023 589,000 May-24-2023
1.73 1,949,000 Apr-26-2023 813,800 Apr-28-2023
1.78 1,465,500 Apr-05-2023 1,949,000 Apr-26-2023